Hen laying shell-less eggs


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 13, 2014
Help! My RIR just started laying again after the winter and this is day 4 of just egg yolk in her nesting box. I don't think she is eating them because I think I would see some remnants. They get clean water, purina layer pellets, oyster shell and they free range all day. I have one other RIR and she has been laying every day with no problems at all. I tried giving yogurt and extra oyster shell but she doesn't seem to eat it. She seems otherwise healthy. Help! How can I fix this?
This is nothing to be terribly alarmed about. She has just come back into production and all the "moving parts" of her reproductive system are not online just yet....specifically the shell gland.
Thank you @Ol Grey Mare. Unfortunately she is still laying either rubber or shell-less eggs. Any suggestions? I give them oyster shell but I don't think they eat it.

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