hen laying wrinkled eggs... what is up?


14 Years
Feb 5, 2009
San Francisco East Bay CA
One of our nice Coo Coo Marans hens has gone to laying wrinkled eggs...

what causes it? and is my hen ok????
she also seems to be broody...


I had a RIR that would lay eggs like that just every once in awhile. Nothing else wrong with her. I chalked it up to "hey, we all have a wrinkly day now and then!"
How old is the hen? Is it hot there? That might be stressing the bird a bit and causing the egg not to form right.
One of my Buckeye's lays those too...very hard and really wrinkly. I have read that it is a sign of a respiratory infection; however, she lays them every once in a while, no one has ever had symptoms and it has not spread to the other 28 hens. I think she just has a wacky system. The egg is normal inside, she acts normal, all is normal....except the wrinkles.

Oh!! And my hen is 15 months old and has been laying them every one in a while for months.
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