hen laying wrinkled eggs... what is up?

I have a hen that was laying wrinkled eggs and was shocked to learn that might it be IB- infectious bronchitis (panic mode.) Reading on, I learned that stress could cause wrinkled eggs as there have been no other signs nor symptoms. We've had record heat here and that could certainly cause stress. We have a bottle of calcium caps from CVS pharmacy, I crushed half the caps into a fine powder and added it to their feed. I also threw out more oyster shell in their pen. I havnt had any wrinkled eggs since, that was about 2 weeks ago.
LOL... I don't know! I didn't crack one yet!
I think she is only laying one every few days or a week right now, and they are all wrinkley...
she otherwise seems fine to look at. Eating, drinking, walking around...
I'll crack one tonight and see what is in side! :)
I had a RIR that would lay eggs like that just every once in awhile. Nothing else wrong with her. I chalked it up to "hey, we all have a wrinkly day now and then!"

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