Hen listless and lethargic, dead 6 hrs later

Pascal PicklePants

9 Years
Oct 21, 2010
Boise, ID
My EE'er hen died today. I let the gang out of the coop this morning and noticed on of my EE'ers was acting very lethargic. The fact that she allowed me to pick her up without a fuss was alarming, she's usually pretty shy. I decided to bring her in the house in a dog crate. She wasn't eating or drinking so we got some water in her with a syringe. She just sat there with the same 1000 yard stare my Grandpa got when he talked about the war. When I checked on her a couple hours later, she looked like she was having a siezure, then just died. This is the first hen I've lost to anything, disease or predator. It did get really....really cold here in MN last week, about -20F. My other hens (19) and roos (2) seem perfectly healthy so far. I will be watching them very closely however.

Was a hatchery EE'er from Braus in MN
Was about 9 months old
Had healthy looking feathers
Had clear eyes
Had no wounds
Crop was palpable but not hard or oversized
Vent area was clean
No signs of mites
Had sort of watery poo
Was of a healthy weight
No coughing or sneezing

Just thought I'd post and see if this resonates with anybody's experience. Does this sound like anything familiar?
I'm so sorry for your loss.

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