Hen molting for the 3rd time since December?


Mar 7, 2021
I have a Buff Orpington turning 2 soon and she’s going through another molt.

I’m worried because in December there was a death in the flock which caused two of my Buffs to semi stress molt. One of my Buffs got through it quick but the other developed sour crop soon after the stress molt and struggled for a while to get back on track. Once she did she still hadn’t laid since before the stress molt and then at the start of January had a full on molt as many of our girls did. At the same time a lot of them had gotten respiratory and rough time. After a few weeks towards the start of February they had gotten better and started laying again.

We had a feed change( transitional - then full on) which I believe made alot of the girls sick so we immediately threw it out and put them back in their regular feed.
Because of this all the eggs had stopped/ a few lethargic and one died.
After switching back to their old feed almost all are recovering and starting to lay except my Buff.

It’s seems she is now having another molt as of 2 days ago. Shedding feathers fast and not laying again.
Could it be a stress induced molt?

We’ve never had this happen where it’s been such an unwell winter and a hen molting 3 times in 3 months.

Should I be concerned or worried?
There is something else going on in your flock other than frequent molts.
You mentioned a "feed change," which made your birds sick and the new feed caused a few birds to become lethargic and one died.
Is it possible there was mold in the feed? Also, did you check the date?

You also mentioned a respiratory problem. Unfortunately, respiratory diseases cause stress in a flock and most respiratory diseases in poultry cause birds to become carriers for life.
That said, whatever respiratory disease your birds have can cause symptoms to appear whenever they are stressed, and stressed enough, birds can go into molt at any time. The cold winter temps dont help.

Just to be cautious, closely inspect your birds for external parasites especially around the vent area where it's warm and moist.

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