Hen not leaving coop


In the Brooder
Jul 6, 2017
Hello All
I recently moved and my flock are now able to free range during the day. I have a large coop (5x8- this size of a small shed) for 10 chickens and a 10x10 run (which is bear proof). Every morning I open the door to the run and they all come running outside, except for one. (She is one of 2 easter eggers, the other EE ended up being a rooster.) She just stays inside the coop. Once the others are outside she hops off their roost to eat and drink, but than hops right up. I rarely see her leave the roost what so ever throughout the day.
Some backstory: I should also mention during the move I had her with my 4 silver wyandotes' and they pecked all her tail feathers off to the point of bleeding. I moved her with the others and they seemed to leave her alone. My flock was a born in April. A few ladies have started laying over the weekend, but I haven't figured out who yet:)
Is this a pecking order issue or is there something wrong with her and she is being shunned?? Animals are amazing and pick up on these things. But I feel so gol dang bad for her too! Thanks in advance!
She's still afraid of being beaten up...might take some time.
How long since you moved them?
We moved August 9th. Should I coax her outside? Now that they are free range, I dont see much more potential of boredom?
Hmmm...you might try tossing her out of the coop.

Or putting her in a crate out in the yard, protected from the weather(rain/sun/wind) with feed water for a day or two.....that would give her a taste of the outdoors but safe from any bullying and break her habit of isolating in the coop.

Are you sure she's not ill, an inactive and isolating bird is often sick.
Tho if she's growing the feathers back that were plucked she may just be loggy from that.
Any idea what her poops look like?
When I have a bird that acts like that I isolate them in a crate with a tray underneath.
I check crop at night and take away feed until I check crop has emptied by morning, then I can also see what's coming out the other end.

Just some thoughts.
Poop pretty normal- sometimes more yellow /brown than the others.
Feathers all growing back.
So yesterday evening I let her out. She was pecking at the ground eating scratch for about a minute. My rooster spotted her out, and I guess he hadn't copulated with her just yet. It was quite a scene him chasing her, he pinned her underneath the coop area. Poor thing was laying on her side for 2 minutes, so I pulled her out and comforted her for a bit before I put her back.
She did not come out today.
I did notice when holding her, she has some feathers that seem to agitate one of her eyes, it has kinda been that way since she was a chick. But that appears something she isn't growing out of. Maybe the eye issue is causing difficulty seeing well and she hides??
Just another notion.
Thanks for the help as always!
sounds like she isnt taking to being picked on.. and the rooster.. poor girl.. even tho there is a pecking order, it still bothers me to see one pecked at.. tho my girls have never really been bad for it.. a little peck here and there, never had one really picked on big time.. coax her out when the roo is far enough away to not bother her.. treats to get her out..
My rooster spotted her out
Is the 'rooster' also April born?
If so, he's randy young cockerel with little sense.
I'd put him in a crate for most the day and let the girls range in peace.
Let him out late in day and put the recovering pullet back in crate.
Yes the rooster is April born. I didn't expect a Rooster, but luckily was able to keep him. They day after the incident, Ani came out into the run. I also found a small marble size egg about 26 hours later in her spot:) I will go ahead and try moving the food out to the run. Then coaxing her out daily. We dont have a good spot for them to be crated alone. We are in the mountain in CO, its been getting down to 40 at night and we have a lot of predators. I try to keep them all together at night and my coop and run are bear proof (i hope)

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