Hen or Rooster? Pics


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jan 27, 2010
Washington State
Is Ducky a boy or girl? Ducky is now 6 weeks old and we have no clue! We have 3 100% sure Roosters. Ans 1 100% Hen.


Every guess is helpful!!!
Can anyone tell what type of Bantam this is and if we have a hen or a rooster???? Or do I need a much clearer picture????


Can you get a closeup shot of the legs as well? It kinda looks like a rooster at first glance.

The bantam looks like a female buff brahma, but I can't be sure without a clearer picture.
I"m trying to figure out what I have .. what do you mean 'three rows on the comb'. I don't see three??
I will try to get my daughters to take some pics and I will send them on.
A full body shot would be helpful:) But I'm going against the grain and without seeing the whole body and saying it's a pullet. I have a little RIR roo at 6 weeks that looked way more developed then that one and I few of my pullets were starting to go a little pink by 6 weeks.
If you look closely, you'll see 3 sets (rows) of bumps on the comb. (A center one and bumps on each side of the center one) Boys have 3 rows, girls only have the 1 center row of bumps.

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