Hen or Rooster?


In the Brooder
Apr 3, 2016
These Ameraucana ladies are supposed to be just that, females. I purchased 6 Ameraucana chicks in September 2016 from TSC. But these two girls have shot up in height, way bigger and taller than the other 4. Their feathers look like that of rooster feathers. They both have begun to crow. Although I've heard of a crowing hen before. My daughter told me she witnessed one of them jumping on the backs of the other girls. Do I have confused chickens? Or did I get actual roosters? I'm fairly certain they were sexed and said to be pullets. I'm including two pictures. Not sure if they both are uploaded, let me know if they didn't. Thank you for all your help and advice!
Hens with male feathering can happen, but it's usually because they are very old and have something seriously wrong with their functioning ovary. If a young bird looks like a rooster, and crows like a rooster, it's male.
They are most certainly Easter Eggers. Most hatcheries do not have Ameraucana, they have misrepresented Easter Eggers. Only a handful of hatcheries have true Ameraucana, and they always specify a variety/color and they cost a lot more than the average chick.
Do you see how thin and pointed their back feathers are? Those are male specific saddle feathers.

Hello from another Rachel

Yep, you've got two Easter egger cockerels (young roosters). Sexed pullets are only about 90% accurate, but it looks like you got your Oops and someone else's, also. bummer.
They are most certainly Easter Eggers. Most hatcheries do not have Ameraucana, they have misrepresented Easter Eggers. Only a handful of hatcheries have true Ameraucana, and they always specify a variety/color and they cost a lot more than the average chick.
Do you see how thin and pointed their back feathers are? Those are male specific saddle feathers. 

Yes, their feathers first made me think of a roo. But then they started crowing. And from what I've read, and comparing what I have (large flock of only hens) I thought maybe they were the rare ones that act/sound/look like a roo but are genetically hen. But now that they are jumping on the backs of the other girls it made me think I probably actually have roos.

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