Hen pale, broody for to long, won’t eat or drink


In the Brooder
Apr 19, 2020
Help please, anything I can try? Just gave sugar water. Yesterday I noticed how pale she was. She has been broody for weeks, I forget exactly how long and I just noticed this past week that we have red mites in the coop. I think between the heat and being broody for so long, therefore neglecting her needs and what the mites have drained from her, she’s in the brink of death. Any suggestions??


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Is she broody now? How's she acting? Try bringing her in where it's cooler and giving some Gatorade/pedialyte or chicken vitamins with egg yolk.
I took her off the broody spot yesterday dipped her beak and she went back to the same spot eventually, then this morn when I went out she was off in the corner in the big run with everyone. I moved her to the small chicken run alone, thought it would be good to be out of the coop where the mites are. She has no energy and just in one spot. Surprised she is mostly standing though.. It’s a much cooler day today, gloomy no sun so not to hot. I don’t have any of those items on hand, just tried sugar water and she’s totally uninterested.

I am rehoming these birds today or tomorrow are we are moving that’s why I haven’t cleaned coop yet, I just don’t want her to die but it may be to late


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K thank you! Will do, I have some little syringes for my kids tylenol
Hopefully it will get her drinking! If she takes to it and decides to try to nibble on the tip, just be careful the end doesn't go too far in her mouth since the water can do down the wrong way. I had to give my broody water with a syringe at first since she refused absolutely everything just after I gave her real eggs to sit on. It takes some patience since she may flick her head at first from the surprise.
Hopefully it will get her drinking! If she takes to it and decides to try to nibble on the tip, just be careful the end doesn't go too far in her mouth since the water can do down the wrong way. I had to give my broody water with a syringe at first since she refused absolutely everything just after I gave her real eggs to sit on. It takes some patience since she may flick her head at first from the surprise.
I just got 6mL into her. She’s not trying to get away at all. Just accepted it so she must be near the very end

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