Hen passed away, blue and bloated belly, weird intestines, yellow fluid in abdomen


Oct 20, 2021
Northern Minnesota, USA
Hello fellow chicken lovers, one of my favorite hens passed away unexpectedly, I decided to investigate why if someone can help I would greatly appreciate any possible insight into it. The pictures are graphic as I cut her open to look if i can find worms or anything that could have killed her.

I found her passed away while sitting under the roosting bars, belly bluish and bloated. When I opened her belly up, she had yellow almost yolk like colored substance all over the organs. There were pimple looking things on the onside of the abdomen and organs. What is that? Is the rest of the flock at risk? What I van do? I am devastated, please help if you have any idea.


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I'd send the bird to the state lab for necropsy.

There are a number of diseases which can cause lesions and nodules on the intestines, as well as a few toxins - but I've never seen a photo with that severity, and it appears to include the inner wall of the organ cavity as well.

and because I always ask, what are you feeding them???
The bluish skin on the abdomen sounds like ascites, which is possible with cancer, egg yolk peritonitis, fatty liver disease, and heart failure. The yellow inside is probably fat. The nodules on organs look possibly like cancer, Mareks, leukosis, possibly infection. I am no expert on necropsies. The state vet is the best person to get a diagnosis.
Thank you all for your kind replies.

The picture doesnt paint the full picture but the belly was terrifying… same with that yellow substance yolky like with watery fluid all over.

I live in Minnesota, chicken are 3 years old. People that had them before me fed them cheapest diet possible and rarely changed water, cleaned the coop. I got this flock a year ago when I bought the house and started feeding them Non-gmo layer feed from local mill(Petersons in NorthBranch Minnesota.

I buried her…as I couldn't investigate anymore, this was a bit too much for me.Do you all think I can pull her put and investigate?

I will try to get her from the ground and reinspect in the morning. Where can I find information on state veterinarian and how can I send it to them? Freeze the bird?

Thank you all, i never dealt with anything like that and feel really bad about being helpless…
You should incinerate the chicken by starting a fire and burning the carcass not burying it. Please do not poke around in there because there may be diseases that the chicken has which can get transferred to you.
Looks like she has little tumors all over her intestines. Also looks like she may of had a reproductive disorder, based on the yolky substance.

Can you investigate the organs further, & post pictures?
Thank you so much, i buried her, was very overwhelmed… do you think I can take her put in the morning and reinspect her?

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