Hen Pecked Humans


5 Years
Aug 5, 2014
We have five lovely young pullets, about 16 weeks old. One of them, our Barred Plymouth Rock, Pepper, frequently pecks us when we go out for a visit. She is not aggressive and I have not noticed her pecking her flock mates. She just seems to think that our fingers, toes, eyes, knees, clothing, buttons--you name it--might be tasty treats. My daughter's comment: "So is Pepper just the dumbest of the chickens?" Obviously, this is not a huge problem. But if anyone has thoughts on how to gently discourage this behavior, I would love to hear.
No, she's probably just curious......I have several pullets like that! They just peck at everything!
One of them pulled out my earring the other day! (now I can't find the back of it!
It's not a problem.. except...

We have a Sussex that was the same (she's grown out of it mostly). All was well until my son was holding her and she decided to take a "curious peck" at his eyeball.

No permanent damage done, but he won't go near her now.
It's not a problem.. except...

We have a Sussex that was the same (she's grown out of it mostly). All was well until my son was holding her and she decided to take a "curious peck" at his eyeball.

No permanent damage done, but he won't go near her now.
I've learned to keep my face away from them too!
If you want to discourage it, lightly thump them and say NO when they peck at you. Mine learned quickly that pecking was not OK when I did this, but they weren't frightened off. They now approach for attention and treats, but no pecking. I generally just leave them alone on the next if they are laying, although I have a few that will let me get eggs out from underneith them while they are sitting on the nest.
Shock Value--Pepper almost got my husband in the eye. He fortunately blinked in time but had a bruise on his eyelid.
Thanks for the advice, Peeps61. I had kind of started doing that, but then wondered if there was something different I should be doing. Good to have my instinct confirmed by experience. I certainly don't want to discourage Pepper from coming over for a "chat," but the pecking has my kids pretty nervous around her. By the way, yesterday she started pecking at the aluminum siding on our house, so she certainly isn't picky! Also, the name is becoming an issue--definitely should not have named this particular one "Pepper." I keep slipping up and calling her "Pecker."
Really hoping my kids won't start mimicking that one!!!
Ha ha! It sounds appropriate though. Mine pecked at a lot of different things out of curiosity when they were younger. Now, it's pretty much for food and treats.

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