Hen puking up blood but now seems completely fine


5 Years
Mar 4, 2019
Northern California
This past Friday I found one of my hens in the afternoon not doing so well. She seemed distant and quiet from the rest of the flock, and just not her normal self. I go to pick her up to see what the matter was and blood started coming out of her mouth. I panic of course and immediately separate her in our garage frightened that whatever was happening could be contagious. I have been giving her probiotics and electrolytes in her water and feeding her food mashed up so she can eat it easier. She still has an appetite and I scrambled up an egg and she ate it as well.
I searched up why my chicken is puking blood and the first thing that pops up is the Infectious laryngotracheitis virus. I read through the symptoms and she doesn't seem to have any of them, so I don't think she has that virus. A few days have passed now and she looks and is acting completely normal and loves to be outside near the rest of the flock. Her poop looks to be normal as well.
She is almost 10 years old however and it may just be because of old age and her organs might be failing.
My question is if I should put her back with the flock and if she doesn't need to be isolated because she doesn't seem sick anymore. I am also just very confused as to why one day I find her feeling awful and puking up blood and then the next days she is fine.
Thanks in advance!

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