HEN raising baby chick?!


10 Years
Jan 8, 2010
Sonoma County CA
Hi I dont know if this is where i should post this.. but anyway. As well with my own flock at home for eggs I raise chickens from day olds until pullets and then sell them to local feed stores to then be sold as layers/pets. I am going to get 25 chicks that i will raise for Western Farm feed store.. but i also want a maybe two or three more girls in my flock. when i get the day olds can i put a couple of them under my buff orpinton hen? and would she raise them. Of course i would watch her and if i need to intervene i will but is this scenario possible? My thought is.. and tell me if im wrong, is that if she raises them ( and she is aplha in my flock) would the other hens accept the chicks or would they be agressive twoards them? I have 6 hens.
Please share your insight. Thanks !
It would be rare that a non broody hen would accept new chicks. If your hen was setting on eggs herself and due to hatch about the same time as the new chicks arrive then she might accept them. It all depends on the broody hen. We have broody hens that will take all the chicks you want to give them and we have others that will only care for the ones that they have hatched. At no time have we ever had a non broody hen take over care of chicks.
Yes she is broody and has been for a week. how long does this behavior last. im worries shes not getting out and free ranging and eating/ drinking ebnough. all she wants to do is sit on the eggs that are NOT fertile that the others lay or she sits on the wooden eggs...

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