Hen Seems to be weak, one eye closed, and gasping


In the Brooder
Aug 13, 2019
We have 4 black french copper marans. yesterday I went into the coop and one of the hens was hardly moving, eyes closed, and stretching her neck and gasping. I put her in her own pen and gave her food and water with boost electrolytes in it. Came back in the evening of that day and she was dead. Now this afternoon the other 2 BFCM hens we have are doing the same thing. The eyes have a brown crust/ spots around them also and they are still eating and drinking. They are also in with a bunch of Orpingtons and they are showing no signs of these issues?? Anyone have any suggestions to what maybe causing this??
Welcome to BYC. Have you added any new birds to your flock recently? Where are you located? Can you get any pictures of the brown crusts or spots around the eyes? Have you had any fowl pox in your flock? It sounds like there is a respiratory disease going around. Are you anywhere near the Newcastles Disease outbreak in S. California? Is there any sneezing or rattly breathing besides the gasping?
No new birds added in almost 5 months, have never had fowl pox, I think it is respiratory since now a long piece of snot just showed up on her beaker in the last hour, and we are in northern wisconsin far away from the new castle quarantine zone. Have not seen sneezing but it could be possible.
This is the roosters favorite hen so she is missing head feathers for 5 months now, not related to now.


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No new birds added in almost 5 months, have never had fowl pox, I think it is respiratory since now a long piece of snot just showed up on her beaker in the last hour, and we are in northern wisconsin far away from the new castle quarantine zone. Have not seen sneezing but it could be possible.
This is the roosters favorite hen so she is missing head feathers for 5 months now, not related to now.
Also seems like this hens face is swollen on side shown.

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