Hen sneezing, nasal discharge, and swollen eye.


In the Brooder
Jul 22, 2016
I got new chickens and already posted issues I had with one (goopy rear, and then breathing raspy after bath) after 2 days she is acting perfectly fine. Anyways, one of my black australorps which Ive had since March 1st (day old chicks) started sneezing a few days later (we also had big storms for a few days right before she got sick), I then noticed a green discharge from her nostils, I went and bought Tetra 10 and started treatment yesterday, I came home today and noticed her eye is swollen shut and she seems a bit droopy, but still alert. I seperated her and told my bf he may need to cull her. I am in the middle of bleaching my coop, and all chicken dishes, removing perch branches and burning them and raking the Pen the best I can. Does anyone know what it may be (google freaked me out) I have DE but havent used it yet since Im not sure if its okay to use while in antibiotics. None of my other chickens seem sick and are acting normal. Should I be prepared to cull my whole flock or is there something I can do? I really dont want to have to kill any of them as my kids and I love having them and until we got these new chickens we have not had any issues since getting them.
It sounds like the new birds were carriers of a respiratory disease. They have now spread it to your original birds one of which is now showing symptoms. You can treat them, but they will carry the disease for life and will pass it to any new birds you bring in, and they will have flare ups and will need to be treated whenever they endure stress, such as during molts, when coming into lay, etc. You also can never give away or sell any of your birds, or sell any eggs to other people for hatching, since some respiratory diseases can be transferred through the eggs and the chicks will hatch with the disease. If you want to be sure of what disease it is you can cull the one that is showing symptoms and send it out for testing, or you may be able to get a vet to run a blood test for you.

The alternative to what I said above is to cull the entire flock, wait a few months, and start over. If you do this, in the future quarantine any new birds you bring in to avoid this happening again.
It sounds like the new birds were carriers of a respiratory disease. They have now spread it to your original birds one of which is now showing symptoms. You can treat them, but they will carry the disease for life and will pass it to any new birds you bring in, and they will have flare ups and will need to be treated whenever they endure stress, such as during molts, when coming into lay, etc. You also can never give away or sell any of your birds, or sell any eggs to other people for hatching, since some respiratory diseases can be transferred through the eggs and the chicks will hatch with the disease. If you want to be sure of what disease it is you can cull the one that is showing symptoms and send it out for testing, or you may be able to get a vet to run a blood test for you.

The alternative to what I said above is to cull the entire flock, wait a few months, and start over. If you do this, in the future quarantine any new birds you bring in to avoid this happening again.

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