Hen that lays egg from roost


9 Years
Jul 18, 2010
I have a barred rock that when she first started laying eggs would sit on a roost (about 4 feet in the air) and lay her egg. She would get horribly upset when it would break!

She really wasn't the brightest of chicks. You could just tell when you picked her up that she wasn't really all there. I didn't really think she was quite that stupid though!

We kind of figured she would grow out of it. After all, she sees all of the other hens go in the nests to lay their eggs. The roost she sits on is right next to some of the nests. But, no!

She is now 1 1/2 years old and still sits on a roost to lay her eggs!
She has even been broody on the roost!

Is she the world's dumbest chicken?
I got my very first egg yesterday that was laid from the roost. Luckily, there is a poop board not that far below and that is where it landed. Thankfully, on the clean end with no poop. I was surprised after all the walking in and out of the nest box, kicking out the golf ball etc., but it was her first time. Perhaps a poop board for you with some soft shavings on it?

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