Hen tried to kill chicks... Updated: They both died.. =(

Yes, a very good idea; just make sure it's not the kind with the anesthetic / pain reliever in it. Never put anything with an ingredient ending in "caine" on a chicken.

so as long as my anitbotic ointment dosen't have anything in it that ends with "caine" I'm good.. Going to go check it out and see about that.

Also They both seem to be more perky..I've watched her close this evening and she seems to be fine with the others. As gentle as she can be. So lets hope she does good with them..

The thought never crossed my mind on putting them back with her. So no worries there. I just hope they make it.
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I hope you'll keep us posted.
It is NOT your fault. Stuff happens. Here is a hug.


I am so sorry about your chicks. This sort of thing has happened to all of us but it is very distressing.

The one with the less yellow on it, seem's to be opening its eyes pretty good, but the other has one kinda opened and the other I dont think it has opened it. I'm hopeing the hen didn't get it. But Like I said if these lil ones make it, They'll have a forever home here.. I need to think of names for them??
Something that has to do with being scalped for names?
Custer maybe?
Sorry, dont mean to be funny. Im sorry for your little ones!

I always take my cochins babies...I dont know why, but I dont trust her with the teenies...

Im going to go out now and check my Serama-mama, and make sure she still likes her chicks.....you never know!

Im going to hope that they make a quick recovery!!

Keep us updated!!
Oh My!! It is so sad to think of a chicken doing that to babies. Those poor little ones. They are almost scalped! How horrible to come home to that!! But of course, now they will hold a special place in your heart, and be the little favorites..

One could be named Clover- as in 4 leaf clover- lucky to be alive
and the other can be Toupee, as in- needs a toupee to cover the bald spot!!
Yes put the ointment on their heads you need to keep it as clean as much as possible. Use the ointment sparingly. Make sure theointment has NO PAIN KILLER OR ANY WORD WITH CAINE IN IT.

I am so sorry........PLEASE watch your other chickies carefully Too!
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