I have a 1.5 year old RIR chicken who as a chick we thought was a roo ,but at about 23 weeks old he/she started laying. So we where like HE is actually SHE and that was that. When he/she was 14months old he/she stopped laying and only lays a fairy egg about once a month. Then I found out about gender changing chickens. At this time I noticed how he/she doesn't look like a hen and before he/she started molting had green/blue kind of long tail feathers, fiery orange hackle feathers, and a bigger comb than my rir hen. I went outside and looked at she/he and the spurs have slightly grown since she/he has last layed.
Could he turned into a hen (and that's why production was so bad) then now is turning back into a roo?
Could he turned into a hen (and that's why production was so bad) then now is turning back into a roo?