hen walking backwards with her head down.


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 25, 2011
I recently got 4 what look like black rock hens. 3 Of which are alright by one is very underweight and scraggy she's being kept separate. I got them on Saturday and they were all in a bad state. as I said 3 have recovered greatly but one is still unwell and acting strange. I also have 1 polish and a leghorn cockerill the 3 have settled in with them nicely but there other seems to have a problem with my cockerill she keeps trying to challenge him through the wire when we let her out. At first she walk back with her head down to him. And ever since has just been doing it randomly. she goes back about 5-10 steps and if she walks into something she just try's to go through it. I've heard that disease can course this but in ever other aspect she seems healthy (with the exception of being underweight) there's no evidence of worms or mites on her so I'm unsure on why she is doing this.
I've seen that behavior from a couple of my molting hens recently. I think it's just a submissive behavior, like she's saying "don't mind me, I'm not looking for any trouble." The opposite behavior is when they stretch their necks up and challenge another hen to a stare off.
Interesting. Have you got any link to a source or study that suggests there could be a link between this specific behavior and a vitamin deficiency?
When I install a saddle/apron on a bare-backed hen, she will walk backwards all over the pen, with her head down, trying to back out of the offensive garment. I agree, the behavior, more often than not, is probably due to the chicken trying to get rid of something foreign that's bothering her.

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