Hen With Poopy Vent Feathers & Possibly Prolapse - Graphic Picture

It's common for it to keep coming out. All you can do is keep pushing it back in until it heals. Try to reduce swelling. Give her Motrin 200mg (half a pill for a banty, whole pill for a LF) to reduce swelling. It IS safe for poultry, no worries.
I apologize for pulling up such an old thread, but found the pic of Nifty's chicken with a Google Images search.

My 20 week bantam EE just laid her first two eggs in the last couple of days. Nothing today, but then tonight when I came home she was huddled in the bottom of the coop under the girls on the roost. She's usually really calms when I pick her up, but tonight she scrambled out of my arms to run back to the corner. Brought her inside and saw just what was in this pic, exactly. I held a warm towel to her bottom for a bit while hubby brought in the newborn brooder and set it up inside so we could watch her. Within about ten minutes, it popped back in! I didn't push it. It slipped in and out a bit. I put her in the box and she didn't walk around at all, just squatted right down.

A couple hours later I was checking on her and she passed a healthy poo while squatting in place. I've read a lot of the ideas and will pick up some Prep H and vaseline tomorrow. In the meantime, I'll keep her in the house? I read that this might keep her from laying another egg for awhile.

I'm so upset and scared for her. I just had to ask Nifty though, how did your chicken fare? How long before you felt it was okay to put her back in with the other girls? Is she okay? Did it ever happen again?

My goodness, I only have 7 little girls who I pamper and worry about all the time. How in the world do people raise dozens of chickens without having all these problems?
So my Skittles is in a dark box in the house.... and laid another egg. Despite that fact that I'm delighted to find the egg next to this little girl (she was sitting NEXT to it, not on it?) and her vent looked soft and puffy, but not prolapsed like last night, I'm a little worried as to what I do now.

How common is it for a chicken to lay an egg in the middle of the night in the dark? Could she have been trying to do that in the coop last night, and if so, why wouldn't she just go into the box like she did for the first two? Why huddled in a corner under the roosting girls?)

I know, lots of questions that aren't easy to answer since who really knows the mind of a chicken. I'm just not sure what I should do now. Put her outside with the others and hope for the best or let her sit in the dark today and hope she doesn't lay another egg soon so she has some time to heal whatever was going on.

Any Chicken Whisperers here?

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