Hen wont walk on her feet. Walks on her hocks and feet may be paralyzed?

Duck is still retarded though. LOL!!

but he's always like that. He /may/ be blind in one eye. He just randomly takes off running and slams into the wall.
She's still doing great!

Her poops are solid whenever she eats chick grow, but whenever she gets the scratch her poops are runny.

I think there's something with her being sensitive to the scratch.
She just laid her first egg!!! :D

What I'm thinking is... the scratch had mould in it that she was particularly sensitive to... which was giving her diarrhea and she probably didnt absorb as much nutrients so she ended up with a deficiency which made her legs weak so she balled them all up and scuttled everywhere.

that's my theory anyway.
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That's what I'm hoping!

I just returned a bag of Purina Flock Raiser to TSC yesterday, it had mold in it! I'm not sure, but I think it was a really old bag, didn't even have the date code printed on it! Unfortunately, I didn't notice it until after I fed about half of it and now a couple of my young peafowl are looking sick!
Oh no! Let me know how they're doing!!
As soon as my money from paypal has transferred, I'm going down to pet club to pick up a different bag of feed. This one looks alright, but we've had a few rainstorms so I wonder if it's gotten mouldy.

I live in arizona. so rain is rare!
I have a good nose and the first thing I do when I open it is smell it. No matter what whether it's human or animal food. Can't miss that distinctive odor!

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