Hen's body seems very hard, -


12 Years
Aug 24, 2007
I have lost 3 or 4 hens over the last 3 years with a very hard body. They seem to have excess weight, and usually eat and drink OK -- but eventually they die. I have her isolated, and antibotic in her water. I also put her on medicated chick feed. She is just about 3 years old. Breed is Americanana mix.
You mean a hard abdomen? At that age, I'd say it's probably internal laying, where egg material and infection builds up. It's a reproductive malfunction that usually starts at around 2-3 years of age.

You said excess weight, but are you judging by the abdomen or the keel bone (breast bone)? If the abdomen, you would probably be surprised to check the keel bone to see how sharp it is, with no meat on the breast area, if it's indeed internal laying.

If the bird it truly overweight in that area, then there's probably something else going on.

Why medicated chick starter? That is not what she needs. Medication in there is only for coccidiosis and won't help with this issue. And chick starter has no calcium, which she seriously needs in larger amounts, not less.
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