Hens... breed?

I KNOW, ME TOO!! Reading through chicken genetics makes me think college level physics wasn't that bad after all! You may want to follow the member @The Moonshiner. He has a simple, no nonsense way of explaining genetics that even I can understand.

Will do! I can understand horse colour genetics no probs... but chicken genetics seem to be a whole other ball game!
No idea what the second hen is, but I do know that she is strikingly attractive. I'd love a pen full of birds just like her.

Exactly why I picked her!
There was another hen like her I should have gotten. Actually there was doubles of both these, but the other one was HUGE. The one we have, would easily be over 2kg of chicken (5ish lb). The other one was probably another kg (7ish lb). She was MASSIVE.
Though - I was concerned she may not fit through the coop door!

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