Hens dying


6 Years
Jan 7, 2014
Could someone help me? My hens are slowly dying off one by one. Does anyone know what could cause this. It happens over a period of about a week or 2 where they will just lay in one spot all this time. Wont eat or drink. We have 3 left. 2 are good and the other one is dying like the rest of them out of 7.
to BYC!

Sorry about your birds. I agree with Dawg here, sounds like they need worming. The best thing you can do is give more details about your situation and post this question in the emergency section of the forums.


I hope you get this issue solved.

Great to have you aboard!
You may need to take a dying or dead one to the vet for pathology. There may be some contagious disease going through your flock.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Sorry about your flock, you've gotten some good advice above.

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