Hens Eating Eggs. Help!

I got it specially for our duck who is about to start laying.but they all like it so everyone is getting it. I am thinking because they free range more now they dont eat as much feed. So they lay less or the other hens are hiding eggs somewhere. Which happened before.all the other hens know my little one is after their eggs.they truly dont like her . she is always alone but she seems to like it that way. She isnt on the bottom of the P.O. but shr is an outcast of sorts. She was hatched right after a power outage and both legs were turned inside. I fixed one leg but the other is still od shaped
One of the primary causes of egg eating is insufficient protein. Layer feed is not required for egg production. There is no magic ingredient in it. It's just regular feed with a whole lot more calcium. Too much calcium for any bird can be deadly. It's much safer for a mixed age/species flock to feed something without the added calcium and let the birds regulate their own intake with crushed oyster shell. Starter, grower, or flock raiser are better choices for free range flocks.
What else can i give them. Or should i just focus on the two? I cant realy mess around with the feed we have but what can i add to their diet. I use to give my old hens when they were sick cat food. Would that work?
What else can i give them. Or should i just focus on the two? I cant realy mess around with the feed we have but what can i add to their diet. I use to give my old hens when they were sick cat food. Would that work?
Cat food is high in salt, so you have to be careful to not give it too regularly. Any protein is good. Contrary to popular belief, chickens are not vegetarian. They are omnivorous, and have a higher protein need than humans. Most chickens will happily chow down on whatever sort of meat you happen to have from left over steak or chicken to a can of tuna.
Omega 3... Got it at tractor supply. Its pure protein and last along time with my flock of 21 chickens. Its a crushed up grain that you mix in their food 1 TBS per hen or Roo. It got my 5 or so slackers laying the next day! My eight year old hen also started laying which I didn't expect she last layed when she was five.

In short its awesome!
Use it its worth it!
Omega 3... Got it at tractor supply. Its pure protein and last along time with my flock of 21 chickens. Its a crushed up grain that you mix in their food 1 TBS per hen or Roo. It got my 5 or so slackers laying the next day! My eight year old hen also started laying which I didn't expect she last layed when she was five.

In short its awesome!
Use it its worth it!

Which one is it
Can i give it to younger chickens because my chickens kinda go everywhere and in each other coops as well they eat everything.also can my muscovy ducks have some ?

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