Hens eating rooster's legs


8 Years
May 4, 2011
We have a black Langshan rooster and 11 hens of various breeds. They've been together since chicks and are almost a yr old. A few days ago, we noticed our rooster was dripping blood from his legs and feet. We had no idea why, but we caught him and put blukote on his legs. The next day, when i let the chickens out of the coup, i saw he was dripping blood again. We caught rooster again, and although it was very traumatic for all of us, we put blukote on his legs and feet and separated him into a small coup for a couple of days to let him heal. We thought for sure that would stop the whole thing. Finally we let him back with the flock, but again, the next day, he was bleeding and this time I saw several of our RIR hens eating and pecking at his feet and legs. WTH? We caught them and separated them, leaving the rooster with the flock. Then this morning, I let them out and saw he still has raw, bloody legs. Why are the hens eating his legs and feet?? The poor rooster might have to become soup if this keeps up. Any ideas?
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What are pinless peepers? And why are they doing this? Nasty creatures.
Here's a thought, black Langshan are a feathered legged breed-correct? Do any of your other chickens have feathered shanks? Perhaps the behvior started with them picking the feathers from his legs and progressed from there. I would try the Rooster Booster pick no more lotion first. Pinless peepers are a little "shield" that blocks the chickens eyesight and make it harder for them to peck one another (though I've heard a few stories from people who tried them, and their hens either learned to pick from the side or just became blind pluckers). Maybe your girls are bored. Try giving them a flock block or hang a head of cabbage to give them something else to peck. Good luck!

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