Hens or Roos? Ameracauna/EEs


8 Years
Jun 6, 2011
Troll Capitol, Wisconsin
ETA: I think this one might be a pullet- do you think?



And I think this buff is a pullet, but not an Ameraucana because of the legs. What would it be?

Thanks again!



We have 8 total- the black are about 12 weeks, and the buff about 14 weeks. Our guess is that we have mostly Roos? - but have never had this breed before, so no idea! :p
Let me know if you need more pics. Thinking the blacks could be Ameraucanas, but only 1, maybe 2 of the buffs have the slate legs. One has green and one has yellow.



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True Ameraucanas will have either slate or black legs. If they're green or yellow, they aren't full-blooded Am's; they're EE's.

Yeah, you definitely have some boys in there. I'm seeing most all cockerels, though in the first picture, the black on in the back might be a pullet - it's hard to tell.. The other blacks that you can see the faces on are cockerels, for sure. They look just like my boys did at that age, with the red. And I'm seeing some pointy hackles on a couple of them. The buff between them looks mighty boyish, too.

There's a chance that you could have all boys
Did you get them straight run? Sorry if you already mentioned this.
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Those are some beautiful chickens! I also have EE/americana mixes that are 7 weeks old today, and the Roos already have big combs, so, just a guess, your chickens look like mainly pullets. But I am new to chickens, so I might be wrong. Have any started crowing yet?
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I'm seeing pretty much all boys also between all the red on the heads and the tail feathers. Every bird you can see clearly in the pictures looks like a roo, there are a few, like the one buff in the first pic in the far background, or the black on the far right I would like to get a better look at, but it sure does look like you might have gotten all roosters.
Hey guys! I have 6 ten week old ee's that I ordered as all pullets from a hatchery. The other day I noticed that two of them have longer tails that are starting to curl.... I don't have room for more Roos! I already have 1 and 1 Banti roo.. Could somebody just let me know if they think I have more roosters? I will try to upload pics later.
. We bought them from a breeder, thinking we would have at least a 50% chance of hens, but my luck stinks! We are pretty sure we only have one hen from each color. :(. I guess I will be making an ad on Craigslist for Roos.
Thanks everyone.
Hey guys! I have 6 ten week old ee's that I ordered as all pullets from a hatchery. The other day I noticed that two of them have longer tails that are starting to curl.... I don't have room for more Roos! I already have 1 and 1 Banti roo.. Could somebody just let me know if they think I have more roosters? I will try to upload pics later.
Got pics!!

Those are the two that I think are roosters.....
I'm crossing my fingers for NO roosters!! But I am pretty sure I have some... Any opinions on these or......


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