Hen's or Roo's?


5 Years
Jun 30, 2014

We are new to the chicken world and we are loving every minute of it! Our chickens are just shy of 3 months and I'm now trying to deterring the "She's" from "He's". I'm pretty sure that 5 of the 8 are hens, but I need some help with these 3. The first (Sunlight) seems obvious and he started crowing about 2 weeks ago. Then...I heard a 2nd crower a few mornings ago. This morning I went to check and I was saddened to find my beautiful "Roxy" crowing on the perch along side Sunlight. We can only keep hens. I've been reading that sometimes hens will crow as well. I'm crossing my fingers that this is the case, as we will be sad to see the Roo's leave the nest. Please let me know what you think! Also, if you happen to know their breed... I would love to know that as well. Thanks so much for all the help! -The Creedon Girls

1) Sunlight

2) Roxy

3) Splash

Hen or Roo? Let me know if you need more pictures and I'm happy to take some more! Thank you!!
Ok!Well,I notice 1 has lots of red.Their tails are curling Sunlights a cock The easter egger or favorolle looks almost like a cock,it has a light pink comb may be a pullet.The other 1 that looks like A New Hampshire Red Looks like a cock.Sorry to say,but they ALL have HUGE developments at just 11 weeks its A STRONG possibility their ALL cocks normally pullets have light pinkish combs at a young age cocks have WATTLES that are light pink and combs that are dark red.Normally cocks tails curl at 1 month old.And cocks have REALLY pretty feathers.Pullets shouldn't be near as big or have near as big wattles or combs.Its normally all peaks on pullets.
Thanks for the responses! I appreciate your feed back. Just curious what clues tell you that "Roxy" is a Rooster? I'm new at this and would like to learn what clues you are seeing. Thanks.

@ Troy4...Leg pic's... It's getting dark and the pic's aren't great, but here is what I was able to get. The first 3 are "Roxy" and the last one is "Splash". I didn't think it was necessary to get one of "Sunlight" since he's pretty much a given! Thanks!


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