Hens Pecking each other

Hi, you can usually get Blukote from horse tackshops too. I have the same problem with my hens. I hope you found a solution!
We unfortunately over the Winter lost our flock to a weasel. What a devastating time that was for us, for the hens were pets to us. We have a new flock, and an entire pen made of hardware cloth that has no opening larger than a quarter. Fingers crossed for our hens! However, these new hens haven't been pecking each other, both flocks being under the same conditions, it's still a mystery to us. If I do notice any new pecking, I'll be sure to check for mites, although, we use DE whenever we can for their dust bathing.
We unfortunately over the Winter lost our flock to a weasel. What a devastating time that was for us, for the hens were pets to us. We have a new flock, and an entire pen made of hardware cloth that has no opening larger than a quarter. Fingers crossed for our hens! However, these new hens haven't been pecking each other, both flocks being under the same conditions, it's still a mystery to us. If I do notice any new pecking, I'll be sure to check for mites, although, we use DE whenever we can for their dust bathing.

Sorry to hear about your loss.
I believe we have ample space, please tell me if I'm wrong. For 8 hens, we have an 8X8X8 indoor space and our run is also 8X8X8. Both have floor to ceiling perches to maximize space. We hang cabbages for entertainment, spread scratch daily, and they also get our 2 year old daughter's scrap food (a ton of treats for the hens 3x daily!). We've considered putting in an igloo cat litter box (to contain the mess and give privacy) with wood ashes inside mixed with DE for dust bathing, however, they seem to enjoy digging holes and dust bathing in those in the mean time. The chicks we have now are still young, so pecking hasn't started, but we fear that in about two months time we'll have the same problem again. :-/ Unfortunately free running isn't an option bc of our weasel issue, they seem to attack night and day alike.
Well, we purchased 8 chicks March 22nd, 2013. Built a pretty good coop for them and attached run. Expanded run area with fencing. So with coop and run they have 16x4 run and 4x4 coop roosting area. Two roosting bars and two nesting box. Fresh water ( heated dog dish), daily Dumor crumble for layers, scratch in plastic bottles with drilled holes for them to kick around. Several perches in run area so birds can roost during the day.

Well, winter happens in Michigan. Things had been rolling along pretty well. Collecting 4 to 6 eggs a day. Daily handling of each bird with a friendly hand on feathers. There had been a few times during the year that the dominate hens would fuss a bit. I would pick thud offender up and walk around the yard with the bird. After a while the offender would see the others playing and watch them. Putting bird down if would join the rest, peace restored.

Moving forward, noticed one of the 8 losing feathers. Than noticed bird roosting in nesting box area. During day roosting away from other birds. Than today noticed victim bird attempting to set and was "thumped" by other 7.

Went on line to see what problem was. I decided to remove victim bird from group. What I founded was several feathers gown on breast area, head and back. Plus bird was "skinny".
Used large cardboard box. Wood chip bedding. Made perch. Fresh water and crumble feed with oyster shell / sun flower seed. Checked victim bird several times today and much better. Not stressed and acting her self, almost cooing.

So, may have to separate the victims and give the some TLC, quite time, build their strength, than return to flock

By the way in the process ( started Oct 3rd) building a pole barn, 36x40 with 8x18 to be used for chicken coop/ brooder area. Run will be 12 x 36 plus "free range" when ever my wife and I are present. Have Red Tail Hawk issues.

So, hope that helps

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