Hens suddenly not laying


9 Years
Jan 21, 2011
We have a flock of 8 hens. Barnvelders, Australorps, Barred Rock, Rhode Island Red and Golden Laced Wayandottes. Except for the Rhode Island Red, they are all a little over 2 years old. Over the last couple of weeks we have been getting either one egg or NO eggs every day. Searched all over to see if they are laying somewhere else, but nothing found. They all seem healthy. No signs of infestations or worms. They are molting a bit - not too severely. We are located in Massachusetts. It's starting Fall - not really cold but some diminishing light. Just wondering if anyone has any ideas - we've never had this happen this early in the Fall before..........any help appreciated. Thanks.
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I do know that molting and less natural light does cause less eggs. Maybe they are just very in-tune with the weather and winter is coming quicker than we know....(I hope not.)

Or maybe they could use a good worming. Have you ever done that before?
i've never wormed before - i've checked their droppings and not seen any evidence but maybe i'm missing it. how would i go about worming?

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