hens wont except new roo


In the Brooder
12 Years
Apr 7, 2007
i got a 1 year old roo mixed breed who i want to get out with my hens but the hens wont let him get near them every time he comes within 5 feet of them the take of for the coop and tried putting a hen in a cage outside so she wont attack him and he started to the "rooster dance" to impress her and it hilarious she looked back at him like his head just fell off! so is there any way to get the hens to warm up to him?
First of all do you have another rooster? if you do they may consider him there main man and are going to Refuse this one if not i would consider locking him in with them for a few days when they get used to him and know he is the man of the house everything will be fine

Maybe it will take a while for the girls to warm up to him. How old are the hens? How long have they been without a roo?? How long have you had him in there with them???

As long as there is no blood...he should be ok.He will find his "place" in the flock.
the hens are two and theyve never had a roo that lasted over a week in the coop. last time i tried to add a roo the took off the roos comb!:eek: ive tried introducing new roos three times they go wacko on him and draw blood everytime thats why im asking because i dont know what else to do they might just end up roo-less:( and the current roo really needs some hens i gave him a fake duck to play with and he got a little to friendly with it!
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Try locking him up with just 1 hen not a whole flock of them If he can get warmed up maybe he can work his way in one at a time. Also do you have a very protective hen? If so remove her for a day or two and mix up the pecking order
I would suggest an introduction phase, just like any time you want to add to your flock. Remember, all flocks have pecking orders and to your ladies, this new bird is an intruder. Naturally, they will attack any bird that you just throw into their space.

Put them where they can see each other but not hurt each other. Like two fenced areas side by side. Leave them like that for 2 weeks. Then try letting the roo visit the ladies for a short period of time. Gradually increase the time the roo is in with the ladies. They will work out their pecking order, but it is going to take some time.

Remember whenever you change the dynamics of your flock, they will readjust the pecking order.
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