Her eggs are brown?



She is an Easter Egger (which hatcheries/ feedstores INCORRECTLY sell as Americanas).

Easter Eggers are mixed breed which CAN lay any color, but have a high propency of laying blue or green eggs.

If you want a breed that is ALMOST guaranteed to lay blue eggs you should look into true Ameraucanas OR Araucanas.

And I agree; she is a lovely EE.
All of my EEs have the typical traits also (beards, green legs, pea combs) but I don't think that is any sort of guarantee. I don't know exactly how the genetics work other than that a hen laying green eggs has the blue AND brown egg traits so if you mate her with a roo that doesn't have the blue egg gene, you can get pullets that will lay brown eggs even though they have the rest of the typical traits.
Like some of the other posters, I ended getting three EEs because of the likelihood of getting brown or pinkish eggs rather than green or blue. She certainly is a lovely pullet/hen though
For some reason, the majority of people and many hatcheries refer to their EEs as Ameraucanas...
Sorry about your egg color. I would feel the same way, as I got 3 EE's specifically for the blue/green egg. On a brighter note...are those Aussie's in the background?

The blue merle is Sidda, my nine-year-old aussie. The black tri is a shelter dog, and we think English Shepherd, but who really knows?
Her legs are a grayish green.

Co-op said she was an Ameraucana, but obviously that wasn't quite right.
Her legs are a grayish green.

Co-op said she was an Ameraucana, but obviously that wasn't quite right. It's okay, of course. She's a good chicken either way. I was just hoping for something different than what the other two lay.

Thanks for the compliments on my dogs. They have done so well with the chickens, much better than I expected.
Sorry about your egg color. I would feel the same way, as I got 3 EE's specifically for the blue/green egg. On a brighter note...are those Aussie's in the background?

The blue merle is Sidda, my nine-year-old aussie. The black tri is a shelter dog, and we think English Shepherd, but who really knows?

We have a 2 1/2 year old blue merle named Grady. He loves his "peeps." Aussies are such wonderful dogs!

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