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Why vaccinating every child matters:

There will always be a certain percentage of people who are not healthy enough to take vaccines because they do have some risky ingredients, primarily the virus itself. An immunocompromised person, such as someone with leukemia, cannot defeat the small amount of virus that a vaccine contains. Infants must wait until they develop more fully to receive their vaccinations. At the levels we've been maintaining vaccinations, these people don't have to live in fear of contracting smallpox or mumps if they step out for groceries, but if enough people are unvaccinated, then their risk of exposure is higher, as is their risk of passing on the disease. In other words, if enough people are vaccinated, their inability to carry the virus smothers new outbreaks before they occur by denying the virus enough hosts to spread itself.

Normally I go by a live-and-let-live code, but the reduction in vaccine rates along the coasts (in some California school districts up to 75% of preschool kids are unvaccinated for non-medical reasons) has created outbreaks of diseases we thought we were done with in the US.

This link is an interactive map of preventable outbreaks that have occurred.

If you drag the time filter toward 2014 you'll see that Measles, the disease you decided was important enough to vaccinate against, has been occurring more frequently in the states that have made non-medical vaccine exceptions common. We are effectively moving from the yellow phase in the graphic (when we can, for example, be sure that newborns will not come into contact with measles and become ill before they have a chance to be vaccinated) backwards up to the middle phase, when ONLY the vaccinated people are protected.

Now, in full disclosure I do not take the flu vaccine. I prefer to expose myself to the flu, and the ever-evolving nature of that particular virus makes the vaccine less effective than others. I do not have regular contact with children or the elderly as I live some distance from my family. However, if most of the population became vaccinated (if we moved to the yellow phase in the graphic above), I would probably relent to the social pressure to vaccinate myself to avoid being the vector that sickened vulnerable people who felt they were safe.

In regards to additives, I appreciate your taking info from the CDC, as there are a lot of sensationalist "news" sources out there. However, upon clicking though it appears that each of these ingredients is a trace amount that occurs in the vaccine for good reasons that have been weighed against the side affects. My point is that yes, you do have to make a risk/benefit analysis for your children's vaccines, but I hope when you do that you consider your neighbor's children as well as your own. Your use of the MMR vaccine indicates that you're using some sound decision making.
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Can you give me a herb recipe for runny noses? And if not anything natural, please and thank you. :)
If there are any wild blackberry bushes around boil water add the leaves (about 1/s tsp per cup water) seep into a tea and drink a cup every 2 hours until your cold is better.

Elderberry syrup

are all good for curing the cold or it is possible allergies

Echineacea and golden seal can be found in capsules at walmart even which also assist the immune function.

boils some eucalyptus and lavender oil (few drops) in water which help your air and breathing function should you become stuffy.

Other helpful teas:


And take you vitamin C :)
Zinc is another that helps slow the drips but your food will taste funny for a few days.
Trace amounts are large in tiny bodies of babies, so I prefer to wait until children are a bit older and have some immune system existing, vs a few months of age and under a year of age, before vaccinating. Yes another note is that just because a child is not immunized doesn't make them a carrier and an immunized person can still get ill, just hopefully not as severe. So an outbreak is an out break... Cures and treatments should still be focused on and in some cases a vaccine is the treatment, you do what you need. But I won't be senseless about it because of 'common' practice. MMR, Tetanus, and Polio I do see as needed, but not as a newborn. They have enough in life bombarding them. And they say the flue vaccine does not make you sick.. well that I strongly argue as you may not get the flu they are vaccinating you for yes.. but your immune system is compromized enough at that point and you catch everything else. I get less sick not taking one then when I do so they can keep the nasty things, and I know hoe to care for someone with the flu. My friend caught the very strain she was vaccinated for so it must not have worked since yes virus' mutate. There is always risks involved in life and we have to take it as it comes. Elderberry is a miracle antiviral in my opinion, eve helped back doe the stomach bug *wohoo*
Trace amounts are large in tiny bodies of babies, so I prefer to wait until children are a bit older and have some immune system existing, vs a few months of age and under a year of age, before vaccinating.  Yes another note is that just because a child is not immunized doesn't make them a carrier and an immunized person can still get ill, just hopefully not as severe. So an outbreak is an out break...   Cures and treatments should still be focused on and in some cases a vaccine is the treatment, you do what you need. But I won't be senseless about it because of 'common' practice. MMR, Tetanus, and Polio I do see as needed, but not as a newborn.  They have enough in life bombarding them. And they say the flue vaccine does not make you sick.. well that I strongly argue as you may not get the flu they are vaccinating you for yes.. but your immune system is compromized enough at that point and you catch everything else. I get less sick not taking one then when I do so they can keep the nasty things, and I know hoe to care for someone with the flu. My friend caught the very strain she was vaccinated for so it must not have worked since yes virus' mutate. There is always risks involved in life and we have to take it as it comes. Elderberry is a miracle antiviral in my opinion, eve helped back doe the stomach bug *wohoo*

:eek: That is one thing I would have never expected to see on this thread. I can understand tetanus, if you actually have reason to suspect that the toxin is in your system, but the rest are rather unnecessary.
That is one thing I would have never expected to see on this thread. I can understand tetanus, if you actually have reason to suspect that the toxin is in your system, but the rest are rather unnecessary.
You can understand tetanus but not polio?
:eek: That is one thing I would have never expected to see on this thread. I can understand tetanus, if you actually have reason to suspect that the toxin is in your system, but the rest are rather unnecessary.

You can understand tetanus but not polio?

You don't get polio by jabbing yourself by a rusty piece of metal. Come to think of it, if they had a vaccine for MRSA, I'd understand as well. But not for some virus that was eradicated in the US 2 decades ago.
Most of the US has been vaccinated for it hence why it is no longer an issue, but if an immigrant brings Polio in those unprotected are at risk. But is you live in a rural area and are isolated you won't need it. An out break would be detected before it reaches you and action could be taken. But my husband being in the service travels to other countries. So my risk of exposure is higher than some.
Polio is eradicated here in the US, but it is still very much alive in countries like Nigeria, Afghanistan, and Pakistan so our troops can bring it home. You are so right Chic CAN you still have to be careful we still need to make sure we are protected. This is like TB we were fine until untreated immigrants brought a resistant strain here, and it became resistant because all of the antibiotics were not taken. Remember the guy on the airplane that shut things down when they thought he was infected.
I just wish the Polio vaccine was bound to a protein that was safer. They think its safe but I have serious issues binding it to money brain tissue then putting it into a human body. Why cant they use a human protein.. makes more sense to me.
they use horse serum to develop vaccines for H5N1 (bird flu virus) and diptheria to name two and the testing and research to find the human protein it will bind too well human testing which group would we use? We get all upset on stem cell research

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