Herbs and Resources, Natural, Organic, and/ or Non GMO and more

Not so much, ragweed doesn't bother me but oak does, and fescue grass and the green mold that grown on eveything, but only if I'm out and someone is cutting the grass, it is mostly the animals, yep cats have 5 but you do get used to them new cats drive me crazy, chickens but then they dust bathe in the dirt and I garden every year and most of the time I don't wear my mask
Elderberries can be WILDCRAFT. But exercise caution as other berries can be poisonous!


Images :


Note: the berries look like Poke Weed DO not confuse the two. Elderberries are on a bush or tree. Pokeweed is a plant with broad leaves. And is Toxic. It can be consumed for Arthritis but one must be extremely cautious with it.


Pokeweed Berry

Thanks for the classification
This is great!! Love It. Seems to be taking off fast too.
Hope it goes great for you!!
Thanks I think I just gave myself more work ha ha. So far I have only done homeschool classes for it and helping friends. I love to groom knowledge from others. Information pools are great.
Thanks I think I just gave myself more work ha ha. So far I have only done homeschool classes for it and helping friends. I love to groom knowledge from others. Information pools are great.

You probably did give yourself more work but I think you'll find educating people ignorant of the herb world (such as myself) quite rewarding.

I was homeschooled and vividly remember those "Co-op" meetings where some random guy or lady taught you how to fix a car or do photography and work with wood. Us homeschoolers are pretty resourceful people.
Yes. I love it I was home schooled for Junior High and High School, and my kids are home schooled now. I love the freedom to enrich their lives with.. life and not just text books and to approach learning from multiple venues. We spend our whole lives learning.
Not so much, ragweed doesn't bother me but oak does, and fescue grass and the green mold that grown on eveything, but only if I'm out and someone is cutting the grass, it is mostly the animals, yep cats have 5 but you do get used to them new cats drive me crazy, chickens but then they dust bathe in the dirt and I garden every year and most of the time I don't wear my mask
"Allergies are caused by the immune system’s overreaction to a harmless substance, such as animal dander or pollen. Like allergy medication, some supplements can help by blocking the chemical reactions that result in allergy symptoms."

Qoute from Web MD which is what I though it was anyhow. So I can tell you herbs that may help, or processes that may possibly get to the root of the issue. but I believe in more than that . Brain storming and faith to find some solutions. My husbands mother has terrible dust allergies and gets massive hives when her system acts up. I am still brainstorming because I often address just pollen allergies And for animals I just clean my house but people tell me that my animals are not as agitating as other places they have been. Don't worry I have not forgotten you :p

Here is a starter for some herbs.


I am thinking focus on healthy immune function and reducing other stimulants through a diet alteration. Do you watch your GMO intake?
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Yes. I love it I was home schooled for Junior High and High School, and my kids are home schooled now. I love the freedom to enrich their lives with.. life and not just text books and to approach learning from multiple venues. We spend our whole lives learning.

My wife plans on homeschooling our children as well. With our only child thus far being 3 1/1 months old I'd say she has time to prepare for it though. She told me I was in charge of the science, agriculture/gardening, auto-mechanics and animal husbandry stuff though. Which I suppose is a fair trade since she has to teach all the boring stuff like math and english... Yuck!! lol
funny. Yes it is s fair trade. Learning to read and do basic math is the biggest hump to get over, then it gets easier.

I am stuck doing it all since the man is deployed and if not gone all weekdays. The biggest headache is not what I am teaching its the bloody fight the ids give me. SO I am tag teaming with another mom. Her teenage boys get riding lessons for helping me with projects and she schools the kids 1 day a week while they are here.

Yeah you have a little time. I started at 3-4 for the girls my 4 year old boy is not quite ready but I did just get his books in.

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