Herbs in chicken yard?

Chickens love herbs and they have a lot of nutritional benefits. However i have considered planting herbs before but decided against it because I doubt the plants would survive very long. I left a pot plant of basil out in my garden once and found it stripped bare within five minutes. The plant died shortly after. I'm no gardener but if I were to try to grow my own herbs and veg for the chickens to eat, I would have to do it in a separate area or greenhouse where the chickens would have only limited access or where you could let the plants grow abundantly before the chickens get to them.
Only if you want them to eat them! I have two herb gardens on the ground that I ended up having to put chicken wire around so the girls wouldn't destroy! But if you are planting for them to eat from, keep in mind they will peck and scratch at anything!
Herbs are actually known to calm down and relax chickens, some people put herbs in the nest box as it keeps the hen relaxed while she lays an egg or when she’s sitting in eggs

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