Here are a few pic's of my babies!


12 Years
Mar 25, 2007
Erda, UT
They are growing so fast!! Here are a few pic's of our not so little one's anymore.

Here are Oddy (one of our roos), Aria (the queen and my favorite) and Oppie (our other roo) in the front and some of the other girls in the back.

Here is another one of Oddy (He got his name because he was supposed to be dominique and for a while we weren't sure what he was and he was the "Odd" one. He turned out to be a Barred Rock Roo.

Here is another shot of Oppie our Dominique roo (my daughter named him)

I just love them!!!! We tried watermelon last night as a treat and they were totally UN-interested. They wanted nothing to do with it. They are all so sweet, some are braver than others, but most will come eat out of our hands and a few will even stand there for us to pick up.
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