Here's what I could have for $50.....***UPDATE***

i would dismantle it.. i don't think it can take an hour ride with 60 mile an hour wind.. that way you can really strenghten it when you get it home too. make it easier to transport
I wouldn't mind paying the $200 if I had it. With five kids and one income you can imagine things are pretty tight hence the $50 shed thought. I have my boys' bunk beds on C.L and if those sell, I will definately have them deliver this baby. If not then I will plan on dismantling it. I guess this all hinges on the weather too. I think we are in for some rain on the heels of the hurricaine and tropical storm.
Just say a prayer we can pull this off. We really could use this!
Thanks everyone! I'm getting nauseaous over this. I have to come up with something today so keep your fingers crossed.
I'm calling uhaul to see what they have that we could use. I'm going to see what I can put on C.L too as a 'raise $$$ for a shed relocating' fund. LOL

Pie? LOL Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, glazed carrots, big and fluffy rolls and pie for dessert. LOL
how far is massachusetts from Indiana? LOL

I have a pick-up and a strong husband! I hope someone out there can help you get that shed. I am still waiting for my hubby to finish the coop so i can get my ducks!!!!!
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Okay, so I've listed some things on C.L to try and sell to raise the $200 for transport. That way my dh can't say a thing.

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