Heritage & Exhibition Turkey Thread

When our poults are fully feathered, we will place them in a small paddock. Enough room to range, but with safety fencing. You still have to protect against owls, hawks etc. I would not suggest a total free ranging until at least 3-4 months old. Even then, smaller paddocks are better. This allows them to graze the grass down in one while the grass is growing in another. In cattle/sheep circles its called rotational grazing.

Thanks, I guess I'll get some fencing to let get out some. How do they do with electric net when they are older.
At Crossroads Joint National poultry Show 10/2011 there were 10,276 entries. There were only 41 Turkeys. 28 in the Open and 13 in the Junior show. Most breeders of turkeys felt it too difficult to transport their turkeys.

The Grand Champion Turkey was a Nargansett Tom shown by Danny & Travis Akehurst of Haskell, Oklahoma.

I have Midget Whites, for several months now, and absolutely love them.
The eggs I ordered for Royal Palm did not hatch.............
Right now, I am trying to find the best way to house Turkeys, maybe some of you can help?






Edited to add: Thanks Jim for starting this thread~~
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New thread rule......

You can not join the discussion unless you post photos of pretty turkeys!


Okay, not a rule.....but we do like seeing photos! I have more photos from Crossroads and will try to post them asap.

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