Heritage & Exhibition Turkey Thread

I have a question to ask turkey raisers here on turkey behaviour.
They do indeed 'imprint' and know you as their 'parent' and they do 'go off' with gobbles of happiness when they see me, awesome birds.
They also do not like strangers, and have their own calls dealing with that situation.
However, never agressive or mean to humans.
My question relates to Toms seeming to fight with hens in this season (fall/winter)
I observed one tom holding a hen's head to the ground, as if punishing her.
He did not attempt to mount.
He pinched her head pretty good & I seperated them.
So, what was that?
The other issue I have is my chicken pens are all netted.
And as said, the turkeys fly, and often land on nets, sagging them down til finally they dive head first right through the bird netting.
Now I have a huge hole in the overhead netting, and a turkey freaking to get back to where it was....so I gotta catch it & return it to their pen.
Silly birds.
Planning on taking the champion Fair Tom & hen (hen took 2nd) to the upcoming WA Faether Fanciers Winter Brisk, Dec 3-4....but I do not know if I can get the big boy in my outdoor sink, everything may all be froze here by then..the alternative is the indoor (our) shower stall..that ought to be a laugh!

Yea, then just sit on the couch & blow dry him....
Toms do funny stuff. Why your toms are being a bit agressive towards their hens is a bit different. Try placing them in seperate pens during the off season.

As for bathing the turkey. many just sponge bath and clean the heads and shanks/feet.
Well Heres some pictures of my Turkeys I am keeping, They are all freeranging together and wolnt be seperated for breeding until spring. I find it kind of wierd the 5 molted about a month ago and the Blue State hen just started a few weeks ago..

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Ive been debaiting on showing the Narragansett Tom. I really like him.. But know nothing about showing turkeys...

ETA: And Negative or positive Comments about quality would be greatly appreciated!
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I would say to enter him ata show and let teh judge tell you what he thinks. Several shows is even better under different judges. You do want to check his breast/keel bone. Several had crooked keels at Crossroads. Never breed from a bird with a crooked keel.
Thats what I was thinking.. But I do know he doesnt have a crooked keel.. So thats a plus!

Go for it Ryan!!!!!!!!!!
If nothing else, you learn and have alot of fun.
Hi all, in the spirit of pretty turkey pics, here is a photo (a pretty photo, not necessarily pretty turkeys).


These are Narragansetts (old poults or very young adults) hatched in June from shipped eggs... photo taken in early October.
As you can see, one of them has a fairly dark back, almost a bark brown color. It's not just the light in the photo. He is a hair heavier than his two brothers. I guess he may be too dark for "show", but is he in the normal range of variation which you see in this breed? Or do you think he could have some other variety of turkey in him?

Does the plumage change much as they get older? (Darken, lighten etc)

ETA: That grand champion Narragansett at Crossroads blew me away! I saw him on Friday, before he was judged, and felt he was "something special". I wonder what the background is of the Akehursts' flock.

Best - exop
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