Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

Someone at a show told me they use cardboard boxes made for transporting cats/dogs that they order from their vet. They are wax lined so, waterproof, nothing to snag feathers on, easy to wipe down/reuse and lightweight with lots of ventillation holes. They also have nice carrying handles at the top.
That's why I like http://www.boxesforbirds.com Have shipped birds all over the country in them. They have filter paper over the many vent holes. A peaked roof and several sizes for different numbers of birds. Only thing They and I would suggest is to razor out of the shipping box they come in... a cardboard piece to fit the bottom of the box. Tho I lined the bottom of mine with "Kraft brown paper backed excelsior pads"...the poop still slightly wet the bottom of the box. Would not have been an issue if I had added that extra bottom piece. Plus, all I have to do was replace that extra piece each time I used it. Boxesforbirds specializes in shipping pigeons. So their sizing needs to be doubled for poultry. 2 bird box= 1 large fowl chicken, etc. Just tell them what you need the box for and they will tell you which size you need. They also have dividers for the boxes to separate multiple birds in one box. Their boxes are both USPS and veterinarian approved.
We were chuckling as a group earlier about how easy it was to go home with extra birds at a show. Hubby Bob loaned his knife to a lady who needed to cut holes in a used Xerox copy machine box for the extra birds she was bringing home, smile.
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Holy heck, Friday was gorgeous! Saturday was 180 degree change. Yeeps! I'm so glad I was able to finally meet Bob in person after e-mailing and PMing here for a few years. Sigh. OH - and of course, it was most awesome to meet you, Scott! :)
We are having one of those 180 degree changes right now. 65 here this afternoon. Now 38 with a gusting wind up to 40 MPH, with ice pellets and snow. Just went up,and shut all the coop doors.28 by morning and 26 tomorrow night.Funny boy Buffs are cuddled up in the back of their sleeping boxes with their warm girls.They never poked their heads out, but the girls issued a complaint about the weather change.Love my double walled sleeping boxes. Everybody will stay toasty.
The double walled sleeping boxes sound nice. Crazy Fall weather you're having.

Supposed to be 88 degrees here tomorrow

Why aren't there many poultry shows held in Southern CA?!
Looking forward to my first show in two weeks. I have two Mottled Houdan pullets entered. They came from Mr. Urch. So hard to find any, much less good ones so I'm going to get a judge's opinion on these two. Love the breed but they just may be beyond recovery.

Of course I'm also hoping to find some nice LF Black Langshan to bring home. Our hens have lovely color/beetle green, feathering, height, depth of body, but their tail set is 45-50 degrees, not 70. Have a promising cockerel...we'll have to wait and see.

Temperatures in the 20s tonight, 40s during the day tomorrow.
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Looking forward to my first show in two weeks.  I have two Mottled Houdan pullets entered.  They came from Mr. Urch.  So hard to find any, much less good ones so I'm going to get a judge's opinion on these two.  Love the breed but they just may be beyond recovery.

Of course I'm also hoping to find some nice LF Black Langshan to bring home.  Our hens have lovely color/beetle green, feathering, height, depth of body, but their tail set is 45-50 degrees, not 70.  Have a promising cockerel...we'll have to wait and see.

Temperatures in the 20s tonight, 40s during the day tomorrow.

What part of the country are you in? Might be able to help guide you towards a good breeder.

Edit: Meant for the Langshan if you don't have luck finding one at the show.
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Well, no one wants these extra Sussex pullets I have for 19. each.
I wish I hadn't been so rushed going to Columbus. I could have sold
them there. Oh well. I posted them on the PA unite thread for 15. each.
Maybe someone will be interested. Some of them started laying this
month. But there are only two of us here and I don't need 11 hens here.
I don't see how ya'll get buyers for your birds, no one around here
wants to buy mine. Been advertising them for over a month. Well, if I
can't get buyers, I will just cull them. They are good pet quality, not
breeders because of their cushions. . That's what happens when a novice
holds on to the birds too long. I won't make that mistake next year. I
will cull at 18 weeks and cull all the boys except the outcross ones at hatch.
Nice thing about being able to feather sex this strain. Good thing is, I have
been able to watch this strain develop and learned more about them. So I
guess that's worth while.
No, I won't give them away. I learned in the flea market trade that kind of
kindness gets one a reputation where everyone expects a discount, even
when the merchandise doesn't require one. Takes time to fix one's rep back
to "don't expect a discount every time" status. Just not worth it.
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