Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

I really wish quote would work on my phone.

Ve- Beautiful Leghorns. I especially like the leg on the Whites, those will be stunning when filled out.

gjensen- Yes my Buffs are Large Fowl, just starting with them, the oldest aren't even at point of lay yet. This is my second time around with Leghorns, first time with Buff though.
I would like to know if anyone that visits this thread has any of these breeds.


All of these breeds fascinate me. I do not understand why there is not more interest in them. Their sharp style and active, productive nature has a lot to offer. Often less feed and more eggs.
I have a soft spot for the American breeds myself, but would like to see these mentioned more.

I have three Leghorns, but they're white, which isn't recognized by the APA as meeting SOP for coloring.
I think the American heritage breeds look like chickens to me. (I hope that makes sense to somebody.) And I think the Asiatic breeds (like the Cochin) are beautiful!
I know Lacy Blues has Andalusians, YHF has Anconas, I have been trying to find RC Leghorns for the past year and tried to hatch some shipped Buttercup eggs (it was a bust). I quite agree, these breeds are beautiful and productive and economically attractive. I think people have been told they are "flighty" and that the males are "mean" - which is most certainly true of some hatchery stock. They can be more guarded, but that makes them, as a rule, better at staying alive while out foraging. Some are really tough to find nowadays. Seems like someone had WFBS they put some pictures up of, Wisher was getting some Campines, I believe, from Mr. Urch, and looked long and hard for them, and when you got your Catalanas weren't they among the few left you could find?

I feel the Leghorns in particular have an unearned bad reputation - when one wants chickens for eggs, they should be the go-to breed.

I don't like my Leghorns. They're not intelligent and they aren't incredibly cooperative; additionally, being that they are so sensitive to changes in their environment, I don't think they're a great breed for those just starting out. I find the only thing to like about them is the egg to feed ratio and even that has not been for me what it should be b/c I got my chickens at the feed store instead of from a breeder who could have helped me out.
Rant over, sorry.
No comments needed on the pictures of the pair of Barnevelders I put up, Piet has already told me not to breed them. Apparently the pullet is probably not even a Barnevelder. No good deed shall go unpunished :)

Beautiful chickens are beautiful chickens.
Breed them and enjoy them and make a different chicken or breed your breeding project.

I know many of you have seen my Leghorns, but maybe some not. I love the Leghorns. I have nice Barred Rocks, Good New Hampshire's, but I think the prettier rooster is a Leghorn . They are great flock protectors, gentlemen, and from my experience nice fathers. My Leghorns are heritage and they are big, actually taller than Hampshire's and heavier than hatchery Wyandottes I had.I do not spend much time to tame them, but when I go in the pen nobody freaks, they all are in my feet.
I want one like this boy!!! He's BEAUTIFUL!!!
I really wish quote would work on my phone.

Ve- Beautiful Leghorns. I especially like the leg on the Whites, those will be stunning when filled out.

gjensen- Yes my Buffs are Large Fowl, just starting with them, the oldest aren't even at point of lay yet. This is my second time around with Leghorns, first time with Buff though.

About quote. I found that I had to hold it and then open the quote screen in a new tab. What used to happen is that I had to also click on a blue button at the bottom of the screen that said something like "quote and reply" with a number 1 in a red circle on it. (something like that)
But, yes, it's difficult to do BYC on mobile right now. I hope they fix it b/c I can't always get out my computer.
I would like to know if anyone that visits this thread has any of these breeds.


All of these breeds fascinate me. I do not understand why there is not more interest in them. Their sharp style and active, productive nature has a lot to offer. Often less feed and more eggs.
I have a soft spot for the American breeds myself, but would like to see these mentioned more.
I have a few Andalusian's.
I have three Leghorns, but they're white, which isn't recognized by the APA as meeting SOP for coloring.
I think the American heritage breeds look like chickens to me. (I hope that makes sense to somebody.) And I think the Asiatic breeds (like the Cochin) are beautiful!
I don't know if I'm reading this wrong but White Leghorns are recognized by the APA. They have been for a long, long time. White is the most popular color of Leghorns in the show halls.


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