Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

My Sportsman arrived today! I ordered it online in the evening on Black Friday and it was delivered by UPS today...........not shabby!
Don't know how serious you are wanting to be with keeping and breeding Javas. You'll get "hatchery quality" birds ordering them from Ideal. I don't recall speaking with anyone about getting Javas from them, so I don't know how good they look. Of course if you aren't a stickler for getting birds that more closely resemble the Standard, then hatchery birds are fine.

Have not heard of Brick Cottage Farms off the top of my head but just looked them up and saw they are in VA. I may have talked online to them before but never heard them mention the name of their farm so can't place them right off the bat. Can't tell you much about them or what their Javas are like.

Javas need work pretty much no matter where they come from because they were kinda left out in the cold after the early 20th century. So unless you get older birds that have been hand picked for coming closer to looking like the Standard says they should look, you may or may not get Javas that are close to the Standard. And of course there is no perfect bird either.

Duane Urch in MN has Mottled Javas and he will ship chicks. The breeder that I got mine from originally is in S. TX and she will ship chicks. I haven't gotten my NPIP yet so cant ship chicks yet but may be able to later when you are ready for some. Have heard that Dick Horstmann, a poultry judge, is advertising now that he has Mottled Javas for sale. I think he is in PA.
Does anyone know where the mottled javas wound up that Bob Blosl had??
I am pretty fare with cattle old now don't have any cattle never to old to learn about anything .if I am going raise javas i'll learn the breed specs are and go from there
Does anyone know where the mottled javas wound up that Bob Blosl had??
Bob had just a handful of them and they went to someone in FL who kept them until a new guy took them into his flock because he had birds from the same stock.

Don't worry, they are being taken care of. :) A few of us Java people have been keeping an eye on them so we don't lose their genes.

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