Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

Dear experienced chicken breeders,
Please clarify my "next step". I purchased a trio of birds I most desired, and found one of the hens almost perfect, (I wish her eggs were a little larger.) This superior hen is penned with the cock of the same strain, producing next year's chicks. That part seems clear to me. I am unclear on how/when I transition from a decent pair to a 3-4 clan breeding colony. And, do I get the egg size up before or after I establish my clans?
I am grateful for any advice you may offer,

You didn't say whether your birds are young? If she is a pullet, just give her a little more time and her eggs should be more to your liking. If she's a hen then choose her daughters with the most abdominal capacity and spacing.

"Build it and they will come."
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Chickens love to peck at bones save your steak bones great boredom reducer for winter besides the flock block ive also been buying these sprout salads at whole foods for about $2.50 but i only have 20 birds




I know some have been talking about breeding pens. Here are my redneck makeshift pens.lol. Light come on at 3:30 and off at 8. Including the Christmas ones on the pens. It's the season. The have been set up since thanksgiving and they are starting get cranking. I've got two trios set up and I am getting eggs from three of the four hens. I use the double decker to brood late, quarantine, and show prep in the fall.
Nice looking RIR's.. They look just like my red Naked Necks but only difference mine a naked necks and yours are feather necks. I have a mix of RIR pullets/Red Naked Necks pullets in the same pen followed by a Naked Neck rooster to produce more dark rich red Naked Necks.
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Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!
Best Regards,

I will gleefully PM my phone number to you if you are truly interested in my methods of preparing feed for my birds. I think it's pointless to post it here and have some of the more ignorant who frequent the board put me up as a verbal shooting gallery object for their own personal prejudices.

Speaking of which...while I do not claim to be an expert in avian nutrition, I will gladly compare verifiable 'Sheepskins' and other advanced educational accomplishments with any of those who seem determined to take this discussion to it's lowest common denominator.

Thank you for your insight, SallyinIndaiana.
Sometimes, if you can find a butcher shop they will get a liver or something along those lines in that they deem fit for dogfood. I know liver probably isn't the best organ meat you can use but its usually fairly cheap compared to some others.

I use organ meat from beef but I'm wary of anything pork. For one reason, I have access to ample 'beef by-products' and I'm just not very keen on pork for my own plate.

EDITED: To say...I've tried pork liver once. It seems to have a texture of fine sand paper. Perhaps I'm showing some of my own prejudices.
I agree with Vamvakas' opinion of Blurtick340's RIR's. Beautiful birds in MHO.
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