Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

A cushion is a hump in the back toward the tail end of the bird.


This is a production "something" and you can easily see the cushion on this one.
My hatchery New Hampshires certainly have a cushion. I understand it is not desirable for breeding to standard, but are there any functional/health reasons that a cushion is a problem? It doesn't seem like it is due to fat to me. More a feathering thing.
@ Walt - Is a cushion a structural defect, or a fat pad in a bird that is heavier that optimal condition would allow?...
A judge, Rip Stalvey, told me at a show a couple of weeks ago that the slight cushion on one of my NH pullets was due to feathers that are longer than desireable. The longer feathers made my pullet look much larger than she actually was as well as the cushion.
Zanna or other New Hampshire breeders,

I have my first flock of chickens (hatchery) and I had thought it too soon to get heritage chickens, but others have recommended that I try to find some heritage birds next spring. I don't think I will want to start a breeding program myself, but I would be interested in finding out how different the heritage birds are from the McM hatchery stock that I got this year. I am in SW Colorado, so I doubt I am close to any breeders. Is is realistic to try to get some heritage New Hampshires, what would it entail?

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