Heritage New Hampshires

Now tell me...... which one is "best?"

I just love them and think they are gorgeous, but I want to know more about what to look for.
My Hamps from Kathy are turning 23 weeks old. They are still in a grow out pen until we finish breeding/laying pens for them.
Since they look and act like they will start laying any day, I put a temp nest in the pen with a golf ball in it....just in case
It of course was the subject of much investigation and talk....


Of the three cockerels I want to pen this guy who is just so wide...

with three or so of the best pullets. I have 9. All but two have some degree of black hackle markings.
The three I like the best are the largest with darker color, and more evenly matched hackle and body color.
Excuse the ratty, picked tail, but this is one of the girls with more even color.

In reading my SOP it is calling for med chestnut red on all areas. I just can't reconcile the language of
the written SOP (chestnut red) with the more orange appearing SOP illustration. If the deeper color is
too dark, do I want to keep a few of the lighter hens to breed back to (a few have the yellower hackles
though) once I get some offspring showing good type and even color?
Here is another shot showing the group I have to choose from. A couple of the lighter colored pullets
are on the left:

Does anyone have a pic of a properly colored NH they could post?
I got mine from Kathy too and they are about the sane age. Are pullets look about the same, but your rooster looks a lot bigger than mine.I'll try to get pics up latter.
- At all the pics I've been seeing of Kathy's stock!

Kathy I find your decision on the two boys ironic. They both have huge up and down-sides. But personally I hate the tail on the bigger guy on the left.
I've got to take a pic of my NH pullet that I hatched from Kathy's eggs. She a beautiful bird but she doesn't have the orange hackles that I'm seeing in all of the pics.... I've got to take a pic of the BR roo too... he is spectacular.
What was my decision?

That's a good question
Because looking back and reading it again, there was none. . . .

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