Heritage New Hampshires

Kathy just wanted to let you know that the hampshire's are doing great. Out of 14, 13 made it with 10 hens and 3 roosters.
just whanted to post and say the new hamps i got from kathyinmo just won GRAND CHAMP LF and BEST IN BARN at my county fair






these are suuperb birds thanks
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Schweet, and NICE! I like

Way to go guys, BTW the lady in one of the pics. with the pink shirt on would her name happen to be Sherrie by any chance, she looks familiar to me. I used to live in NW Ark. and she reminds me of a Sherrie I once knew around those parts.

Quick question- I have four juvie roos and four pullets from Kathy - they are about 18 weeks old - do any of you remember when your roos were that age if they sudden shot up again, got gawky and had "ewe neck" for a while? I thought they would be done growing up by now and would start filling out. The pullets are beauties and filling out nicely, but the roos are reminding me of teenage basketball players. And the skinny neck thing is worrying me.
I know, I know, pictures would help!
Congrats! I'd certainly imagine to. . . If those birds were at our fair, they'd definitely beat all the fowl out here!
thanks i would fill good about putting thise birds in anny show but when my son is ready for bigger shows we will go
i dont have time myself to show to bussy with the farm and work
I don't know about Kathy's but mine keep growing and looking gangly compared to the Dels until 6 months then they just blossom out and look very fine..I have some Partridge Rocks that I thought were never going to look good now at 5 months they are huge and starting to chunk out they still are gangly but were smaller than the NH and Dels hatched out a month before and have caught right up. I hope I end up with somebody nice enough to show next year....
I don't know about Kathy's but mine keep growing and looking gangly compared to the Dels until 6 months then they just blossom out and look very fine..I have some Partridge Rocks that I thought were never going to look good now at 5 months they are huge and starting to chunk out they still are gangly but were smaller than the NH and Dels hatched out a month before and have caught right up. I hope I end up with somebody nice enough to show next year....

My NH boys didn't get nearly as lanky and gangly looking as the projects did/still do and they are at least a month or so behind the projects I thought they looked/look amazingly proportioned for youngsters, really impressed with them but I also have never had such good quality stock for any type of comparison either.


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