Hey, from Greenville, NC

Hey, from NJ, and welcome to BYC. The 4 year old will get on board in a heartbeat - good luck with the wife.
I was going to list a thank you to everybody individually but there are so many posts now. Thank you all for the warm welcome! I think I'm going to like this chicken thing. Sumi great post thank you for the guidance. I've got most of the materials for my coop so far. Even got free windows from a window place that they were going to throw away. Missinu01 now that I have windows I am thinking that it does get awfully hot here in the summer. My window would be facing South-ish so the hardware cloth might be a better idea. Maybe I can figure out a way to make it easy to swap out glass for hardware cloth for winter/summer.

Turns out, the guy at Tractor Supply was right! Brought my wife and son in and she said, "Well now we have to get those cute little chicks" lol She still maintains that it is a bad idea (just so that if the project fails she can say she was right ---> I am used to this because she is usually right). Not this time thought. We got 6 Reds (all pullets) because that was the minimum order. I had wanted to get the Plymouth Rocks but in the two hours between our first visit to look and our second visit to buy, somebody had bought all 50+ of the Rocks. I was going to have to get some Reds anyway because "the yellow ones are so cute" ~Formerly Skeptical Wife. I think I will be happy with them.

So far they don't like to be picked up but once they are then they get comfy quick. Is it ok to handle them daily? I want them to be able to settle in to their new home but I want them to be used to us handling them.

And on a side note, I will never trust a "oh my dog is made for herding" dog owner. Our German Sheppard is scared of the chicks (some protector) but my best friend came over with their new pup. Being a little naive I let the dog sniff the chick I was holding. She picked her up by the wing and proudly tried to carry her new toy back to her daddy. Fortunately no harm done. Red didn't even seem to mind lol I'll be more careful in the future. Oh and our cat still has not decided what to think of the new addition. So far he just sniffed (under very careful supervision) and he lays next to their box. I can't tell if thats a curious look or a hungry look though....
The coop is all finished up now. Thanks for the encouragement. Wife and kiddo are on board and love the rich color and taste of our fresh eggs. Plus our hens are great pets now. They love to be petted which I thought was strange but I guess we have handled them from birth. I sold my brooder to a nice local girl who informed me that I actually have Buff Orpingtons. I'm extremely happy with them because they lay great and have no issues even in the extreme heat of last summer and the extreme cold of this winter. Thanks again to all!

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