Hey Gang! Whatcha think of my plans and Rooster issue?

All I had handy at the time was a plastic scoop and that did not do the job, lol! It is about to be that time of year, for mice invasion, and we have fields all around our house....it will peak at harvest time!
Ok all you experts. I ordered chicks and received them May 2nd. One was a surprise roo
. I had already ordered a Roo for my fatherinlaw who I think has now changed his mind about having him. My question is..How hard will it be for me to keep 2 Roos? Will they fight if kept in the same coop and run? One is Golden Laced Wyandotte and the other Buff Orpington. Thanks for your help.
Ok all you experts. I ordered chicks and received them May 2nd. One was a surprise roo
. I had already ordered a Roo for my fatherinlaw who I think has now changed his mind about having him. My question is..How hard will it be for me to keep 2 Roos? Will they fight if kept in the same coop and run? One is Golden Laced Wyandotte and the other Buff Orpington. Thanks for your help.
Now have they been acting over the last few months? If they grow up together, I don't think you will have any issues ... I didn't.... one will be submissive to the other .... how many hens do you have again?
Ok all you experts. I ordered chicks and received them May 2nd. One was a surprise roo
. I had already ordered a Roo for my fatherinlaw who I think has now changed his mind about having him. My question is..How hard will it be for me to keep 2 Roos? Will they fight if kept in the same coop and run? One is Golden Laced Wyandotte and the other Buff Orpington. Thanks for your help.
it all depends on how many hens... you need 10 hens for every roo... and you cant have 15 hens with 2 roos...at least 20.... once you get past 50 it slacks a little but not much...
I have 28 hens, and 2 Roos. They don't seem to be acting all mean. "yet"..lol So excited that I get to go back home to see them all this weekend. Have been away taking care of my son after auto accident. Bringing him along with me, all set up with leg up in the back seat of my SUV. Can hardly wait to see my 2 dogs and all my birds. And Hubby of course..Should have reversed that order.
Been missing them all very much. Thanks for the input, it is much appreciated!
Shocker last night.....I think my flock has avian pox!!! I was in the coop when they all came in to roost....noticed my Legbar Roo (who has a beautiful, large, vivid red comb) had something all over his comb. On closer inspection, it was like little warts that are black and beige........

I rushed to my computer and started searching on BYC.....that is my diagnosis....avian pox. I posted about it on the Cream Legbar thread........what else???????
Woe! Can that be cured?

No....you can vaccinate for it....but too late in my case. I read up some on it last night....mine have the best form of it, if there is a choice....the dry kind (the wart like stuff)....the wet kind can get in their respiratory track on kill them!
It is transmitted by mosquitoes....which we have a lot of. Several people suggested isolating sick chickens because they can catch it from each other?? But, if they are all accessible to mosquitoes, I do not see the point. And believe me the mosquitoes can definitely make it thru that hardware cloth.
Shocker last night.....I think my flock has avian pox!!! I was in the coop when they all came in to roost....noticed my Legbar Roo (who has a beautiful, large, vivid red comb) had something all over his comb. On closer inspection, it was like little warts that are black and beige........

I rushed to my computer and started searching on BYC.....that is my diagnosis....avian pox. I posted about it on the Cream Legbar thread........what else???????
hey sometimes my roos will get in fights and it looks just like that but it dried blood.... Try taking a warm rag and cleaning it off.... JUST an idea... I hope it isnt...

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