Hey Gang! Whatcha think of my plans and Rooster issue?

Look how pretty :)

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Awesome! Well I have some news of my own. One of my Nankin's started laying yesterday, so I now have two little itsy bitsy eggs :D

Looks like my BO roo has the avian pox. A couple others have the start of it too.
I keep my coop really clean, clean their water all the time, feed them healthy stuff. Don't know what I've done wrong. I'm just hoping it's not going to kill my chickens. Someone on here mentioned it, or I wouldn't have had any idea of even what to look for, found it this morning.
Looks like my BO roo has the avian pox. A couple others have the start of it too.
I keep my coop really clean, clean their water all the time, feed them healthy stuff. Don't know what I've done wrong. I'm just hoping it's not going to kill my chickens. Someone on here mentioned it, or I wouldn't have had any idea of even what to look for, found it this morning.

It is carried by biting insects, mostly mosquitoes. There isn't much you can do other than let it run it's course....you can vaccinate prior to them getting it...but once they have it, they are immune to that strain of the virus. It is a virus, so antibiotics do not help....unless they get a secondary infection, then you would use an antibiotic. It has gone through just about my entire flock in a few week time period.....some had it worse than others...but only a couple even acted like they felt bad and they were the ones who had it around their eyes. There is 2 types, dry and wet. The dry is what mine had but the wet can get in their respiratory tract and can kill them. I read that it can stunt their growth.....but genetically they are still good to have healthy offspring.
Forgot to add that I was told to separate sick chicks from well chicks to decrease the spread of the virus.....but mosquitoes and flies could get to all of them so I felt like this was kind of pointless. It has an incubation period of 5-10 days....so once they are bitten by the insect and exposed to the virus, it may be 5-10 days before they actually show signs of the virus.
Looks like my BO roo has the avian pox. A couple others have the start of it too.
I keep my coop really clean, clean their water all the time, feed them healthy stuff. Don't know what I've done wrong. I'm just hoping it's not going to kill my chickens. Someone on here mentioned it, or I wouldn't have had any idea of even what to look for, found it this morning.

I think that it can be carried by flies and mosquitoes so you probably didn't do anything wrong.
finally got my first egg!!!! like literally found it 15 minutes ago. it's been driving me crazy cuz all 4 of my pullets have been really red in the face and their combs/waddles exploded weeks ago. betty, our oldest BR, has even been going in the nest boxes everyday for like an hour the last week or so arranging the hay to her liking. it'd get my hopes up, but then i'd check when she'd come out finally and there'd be nothing but my golf balls. i was seriously starting to wonder if my neighbors were stealing them without me seeing them some how lol... i might try to post a pic later (not that you guys don't know what eggs look like =P). told my wife i'd leave everything as it is in the nest box so she can see it in all it's glory when she gets home from work. kinda silly how excited that first egg can get a grown person...

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