Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Alot of grass cutting today, so not much time for cooking. Taco Salads for everyone!
Yum! Those both sound good, Tipsy and Amber!

Tonight is marinated Mahi Mahi (a la Trader Joe's), a blend of Brown Basmati and Jasmine rice, Steamed Baby Bok Choy, and Cauliflower (don't yet know how I'm going to prepare it), and perhaps a salad.
Last night I made a stuffed chicken breast. I used onion, yellow pepper, garlic, mushroom and low fat cheddar cheese. I breaded it lightly and baked it. I also served steamed broccoli.
Thank you! I ate 3 of them of the next few days I had one a day....I really like stuffed peppers. My kids ate the other 3 and wasted the pepper.....
I have not cooked that last couple nights....I have been sick. So I will probably try and clean my kitchen today no one ever does dishes but me usually and cook a little something not sure what yet. I am gonna start some pinto beans in the crock pot for homemade burritos we usually have them the day I make them but if it is late we will have them the next day and I make a bunch up and freeze them it is a quick snack meal for kids and dh loves them.

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